... aerial object 航空目标,空中物体; 空中物体 aesthetic object 美学客体; 审美对象 agent object 代理对象 ...
the aesthetic object 审美对象
On Aesthetic Object 论审美对象
traveling aesthetic object 旅游审美客体
travelling aesthetic object 旅游审美客体
artefact and aesthetic object 艺术成品和美学客体
aesthetic study object 美学研究对象
Pierre Loti’s "Last Days Beijing" reflects the activities of cross-cultural aesthetic choice on the aesthetic object is directly related to the acquisition of beauty.
参考来源 - 跨文化语境中审美发生研究Han Fu breaks though the tradition of expressing one's ideals and ambitions as in poems and songs. Objective nature is given independent significance and becomes aesthetic object in full sense.
参考来源 - 汉大赋审美价值新论(研究生论文)Chapter two is about the aesthetic object - the natural landscape painting, and its artistic forms -the ecological aesthetic significance of landscape painting.
参考来源 - 中国古代山水画论中所蕴涵的生态美学意识From the angles of aesthetic subject, aesthetic object, aesthetic representation and aesthetic criteria, aesthetic approach has already been introduced in translation teaching.
参考来源 - 英语翻译中的美学意识及其培养·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The sense of life is a very important aesthetic object of literary.
Mikel Dufrenne held that the aesthetic object is a pure object of perception.
The aesthetic object and the aesthetic subject are the two sides in aesthetic relation.
An aesthetic object can be purposeful; that is to say we can view it as purposeful.
So that's Kant's famous distinction between the purposive, which is the organization of an aesthetic object, and the purposeful, which is the organization of any object insofar as it goes to work in the world or for us.